A strong man will never change, because he can remain faithful, despite the trials. But weak people often betray, because they do not have the opportunity to do otherwise. They lack the strength to keep their word, feeling or fulfill their duty. They are subject to temptations and do not know how to resist them. Therefore, I agree to acknowledge that weakness of spirit and a tendency toward betrayal are interconnected. This is recognized by many writers.
For example, Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina” describes perhaps the most famous case of betrayal in world literature. Anna cheated on her husband, gave birth to a child from her lover and went abroad with them, leaving her husband and son without love and support. Having met with Alexei Vronsky on the platform and continuing to communicate with him at the ball, the woman realized that her family well-being was in danger of disaster. However, she did not escape the temptation and made a moral fall, breaking the word given at the altar. This fall did not bring happiness to anyone, and the heroine herself was plunged into despair. Everyone turned away from her, no one wanted to accept her, and Vronsky became weighed down by his position and left Anna for a long time. We all know that this ended in tragedy: a woman threw herself under a train. A strong person would never do all this. Anna lacked the strength of mind to deal with temptation, and even she could not live, having committed treason.
In the work of Vasil Bykov "Sotnikov" Rybak, because of the fear of death, goes to betrayal. Realizing that no one will be spared for the “liquidation”, he accepts the investigator’s offer to become a policeman and personally knocks out the support on the gallows from under Sotnikov’s feet. After the betrayal, the hero still hopes to atone somehow and run away, but with horror he realizes: there is no turning back. And not in every sense: cowardice made a scoundrel out of Fisherman. He closed the path to a former life. Yielding to the fear of death, the hero renounces his homeland. After the act committed by him, the inhabitants of the town look at him with hatred and contempt: no one will help the fisherman. Is this the way of a strong man? Not. Just a man is too weak morally to withstand torture and remain faithful to his homeland.
Thus, betrayal and betrayal are signs of weakness of spirit, which nourishes a vicious tendency to deceive trust and do as it is easier, and not as it should. Unfortunately, the traitors are really too weak, not evil or mean. But this does not negate the public censure of their deeds.